Wednesday, August 25, 2010


..little blog, it's been a couple days. The past days have been filled with rain and cozy weather, perfect for me and my little sleepy girl to cuddle up to the sound of rain all day. Yesterday we went to explore-a-world, and found out that my little loves the piano! (see below) and mama also discovered that Dada knows how to play 'In the Jungle' on the piano..hmm, how he knows how to play I'll never know. But besides that we've been kinda boring, couch potatoes you could say. Oh yeah, we installed Abby's new big girl carseat and it is a pain with my 2 door car, which makes me want my SUV even more than I already did..I really do hate my car. Sorry that this is random, but I don't have much to talk about. I have a sudden urge to throw away every thing in my closet that I don't wear..even if it will only leave me with a few things I do like to wear. Currently I'm debating between doing that & napping with Abby. Hmm, decisions decisions. Bored, lazy, sleepy, inspired-but-not-quite-enough-to-want-to-get-off-my-ass is how I'm feeling at the moment. It's chilly in here which let my mind wander to check the weather and its only 72 degrees out! Still warm, and not quite fall weather yet but I'll take it. I think Abs and I will go enjoy it after her morning nap.

Check out my little mozart...

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic


  1. omg that is the cutest thing ever! Where di you find that tiny little piano?

  2. it was a place called explore-a-world :)



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