*I started to write this blog post the day afterThanksgiving, but life has been overwhelming busy since I had to shut the laptop Thanksgiving night to tend to my little girl. Prepare for lots of updates & a super long post!*
Well, its that time of year again. Today..people are running around every where trying to find the biggest sales of the year & stocking up on their Christmas presents. There is a breezy chill going through my apartment, the coffee pot is on, and Jake's bags are packed for his annual hunting trip. There is left over turkey & stuffing in the fridge, and holiday music is humming from every corner shop. Some people are in the holiday spirit, and others plan to linger in their house until spring arrives.
Regardless what your doing today - Happy Holidays! They are officially here and ready to hit us with the hustle and bustle of the winter season. Are you ready? Its getting close...
Thanksgiving was a good day yesterday. Stop one was my Granny's in southern Maryland. It was a small gathering, just my mom and brother, Aunt and her family, and my uncle's father. Regardless, we chowed down on tons of turkey & stuffing..poured gravy our mashed potatoes & clinked our wine glasses before we ate & after prayer. We laughed over funny memories (such as the ones where my Aunt would drive my cousin and I around in her old clunker van through the neighborhoods at her old house with our little hands waving hot dogs out the window, trying to lure in her crazy dog that would always escape) and cried over sad ones. My Granny did her dishes over the sink and smiled to herself listening to our conversations. Men watched football in the living room..its the same ordeal every single year. But, for some reason, it never gets old.
Abby was a joy. She is so busy and just wanted to get into everything. It was okay, we let her. She helped Granny sweep after dinner :p At one point, she had disappeared. I panicked for two seconds until I checked in the playroom, and found her on her knees playing some bowling game with the kids. She is getting so big.
Second stop was Jake's mom's house. We had a second round of yummy food and Abby played with all of her big cousins. She tries to hard to be one of the "big kids"..its so cute. All in all, our Thanksgiving Day was great. Abby had a blast, we had good food, good laughs, and got caught up with Family. Happy very, very late Thanksgiving all! I sure have a lot to be thankful for this year, I hope that you all do as well :)
Black Friday was an interesting day for us, to say the least..and we didn't even go shopping! We met Jake's sisters at the mall that morning around 11am to get Christmas pictures done of the kids. It started off disastrous, but got better. I swear, my little girl is the sweetest, most outgoing, funny, and lovable baby..but, the second you put a ton of attention to her..she will cry and scream for her Mama. I think she gets that from me. I obviously don't cry and scream for my mom, but I very much dislike being the center of attention. I hate getting up in front of class, I hate having all eyes on me..so I totally know how she feels! She pouted her lip out as soon as the photographers started trying to get everyone to smile. It wasn't long before the tears started streaming and she was crying for me. Would I be a mean Mommy to say that the first couple shots of her with her pouty face are absolutely adorable? Regardless, they got some toys to distract her and the rest of the photo shoot when pretty well. I'm happy with the results :)
After that, Abby when home with Dada to take a nap (it had been a late night & a no nap day, the day before..it being Thanksgiving and all) and I headed to work to pick up my check and do some grocery shopping. I scooped up my Brother for some visiting in the process. How is it that I walk into Shoppers planing to get one thing and spend $80? Happens every single freaking time. I have horrible self discipline.
After shopping, my brother and I went back to my apartment just to find out from Jake that Abby had refused a nap the whole time I was gone. Lovely. I didn't have time to attempt, we had to go to my aunts for Thanksgiving round two! :)
That was a great time, as it always is. Its impossible not to have a blast with my Aunt, Grandmother, and Mom. Abby finally took a nap in my Aunt's room, which was exciting because I actually got to really enjoy some Thanksgiving food :D On the real Thanksgiving, I was feeding and chasing my toddler :p While Abby was napping & the grown ups were sitting around the table gossiping, some little cousin of mine decided it would be funny to prank call 911. Needless to say, the cops showed up. To sum it up, all the boys got in huge trouble, my uncle's veins were pretty much pulsating out of his neck he was so angry, and the cop gave all six boys a good talking to. I can't help but say..it was pretty exciting, ha ha.
Afternoon turned into evening, and evening turned into night, and night turned into really freaking late. I have no idea why, but every single time I go over my aunt's for a visit it is SO hard to leave! I get to the point where I really want to go, and am ready for bed, and Abby is exhausted..but the thought of going home is so exhausting that I put it off for hours on end. It's ONLY at her house! My mom goes through the same thing with her. I came to the conclusion that her house is so welcoming and she makes us feel so "at home" when we are there that we almost feel like we ARE home. & She has a really freaking awesome electric blanket that makes it impossible to move once you cuddle up with it. That thing should come with a warning sign.
Abby was practically begging me to go to bed. I had already bathed her and jammied her there, and I gave her a warm baba and she was running into the living room and laying her head on all the pillows and closing her eyes for 2 minutes, and then getting back up and playing lol. She was happy, just obviously very, very sleepy. That finally did me in a little after midnight, we finally ventured home.
Saturday was another adventure. FYI to all of you others & to me next year - THE BLACK FRIDAY MADNESS DOES NOT END ON BLACK FRIDAY!! Jackie and I took a trip to the mall with Abby, and it was a zoo. Complete disaster. Lines were forever long and people were assholes. It was crazy! & Didn't help that Abby had a super late night the night before, and was working on no nap again. A couple little meltdowns here and there..but, with some mama loving, some god-mama loving, some snacks, and some juice we were able to manage her. She was doing this high pitched scream..not a cry, just a scream. People were giving me dirty looks. Finally I was like "YES people, this is my daughter, and she is screaming, she is fine, she is just annoyed that she's been in the stroller for over an hour, MIND YOUR BUSINESS!" Grr! But, on a happier note..I got a super cute new leather Jacket for $20 that I am now obsessed with! That was about the only good thing that came out of our little shopping spree.
Jackie and I had plans with our friend Whitney for her birthday that evening, and we made plans with some old friends later that night. Abby was going to spend some time with my Aunt again so that I could go out and relax a bit. But, because she was so sleepy and grumpy..I told my Aunt to give me a couple hours. I took her home in hopes of letting her get a little nap before I dropped her off. I snuggled her, read to her, and laid her down with a warm baba. Did it work? Nope. She finished her ba and was up and at 'em again. It did cheer her up though.
I dropped her off with my Aunt around 6pm. She was in her glory, she loves that house just as much as her Mama does :) I kissed my Aunt and snuck out while Abby was playing with my cousin. She had a good time with her great auntie and her cousins!
Jackie and I were running a smidge behind schedule..so we kind of rushed to her house to get ready. We arrive, and her power is out! The whole block. We spent 20 minutes trying to find her clothes/makeup with a freaking lighter. For the love of god, can her or I ever make plans without having an adventure? I'm starting to seriously doubt it.
that is her younger sister Lexi, who I love almost as much as Jackie and looks just like her :p
We finally got her stuff together & headed back to my place to get ready. We skipped showers and rushed, arrived to Whitney's birthday dinner 15 minutes late but we did it. We looked cute and they waited for us!
We ate at Cheeseburger in Paradise and it was delicious!
After dinner, Christina and Michelle had to head home, but Whitney ventured to the party with me, Jackie, and Nicole!
I was so excited to have her there with us. She has been one of my best friends since junior high, and I don't get to see too much of her these days. I love you, Whit!
The plan was to go to my old manager's house. He used to throw huge parties back in 2008 when I was single and wild. A few of us talked about it & decided we'd get together for a little reunion. I have to say, it was definitely different and we have all really changed. I couldn't help but feeling like something was missing while I was there, but I'm not sure what it was. Maybe my boyfriend or daughter? None the less, it was a good time. I've missed them all and sometimes, I seriously freaking miss being a waitress at Pizza Hut.
We sat around and played 3 man, just like old times. It got us all tipsy, just like old times. I got to see my old manager Aeryk (pronounced - Eric! Interesting eh) who used to cashier with me on Thursday nights & would always force me to give all my carry out tips to the cooks. I got to see Dan, my old pizza delivery guy friend..who once fit my tiny little self into a pizza carry out bag..and carried me outside in it, against my will. We got to laugh about that and other great times together that night. I got to see Tyrone, my cook friend who I used to absolutely adore! He is so sweet and so funny and I was super excited to laugh and catch up with him! I got to spend some time with Becka who I still freaking love! She was my waitressing buddy and I miss working with her so much!
& Of course I always have tons of fun spending time with Jackie and Nicole. But their friendship has carried on past the Pizza Hut days, thank goodness. Not too sure what I'd do without either of them!
Even though we have all moved on and done different things with our lives, it felt like a little family reunion. I used to party, work, hang out, shop, sleep (not sexually..haha. we just had lots of sleepovers!) and everything else with these people the whole summer of 2008. I still love them all with all of my heart. I wish that I could venture back to 2008 where everything was wild and crazy and care free for just one night...but, that can't happen. We are all grown up now :)
It was a great time. Here are a few more pictures to prove it.
Sunday morning I was up bright and early to go get my little girl. As I have always said, and always will..no matter how much fun I have the night before, nothing quite compares to coming home to this little face.
I felt pretty crappy all morning. I had some serious back pain. I figured I was pretty much running on empty from lack of sleep and having been out drinking the night before, I get crampy and stuff when I don't get enough sleep..I'm weird.
We were pretty lazy. But hey, that's what Sunday's are for right? Jake was gone hunting most of the day, but Abby and I had fun. We snuggled in bed and napped together, read books (her absolute new favorite thing) and took a long and steamy bubble bath together. Once Jake got home we made some spaghetti for dinner and little Abby called it a night around 7pm, a very early night for her.
Around 8 is when my back started to hurt really bad. It had gotten bad around dinner time, but it got to the point of almost being unbearable. I took some Tylenol and called it a night. Woke up again this morning around 4am with a throbbing back and head. Took a bath hoping the heat would help, popped some more Tylenol, and hopped back in bed. Woke up with Abby around 10:30am (thank you my sweet baby girl, for letting Mama sleep in when she didn't feel well!) and continued to feel like crap through out the day. Our power went out for some reason, so Abby and I went to my mom's to take our baths and showers. She gave me some Advil, which helped for a little while. I did a quick run through at the dollar store and Jake and I did some Christmas shopping at Toy r us :)
During shopping the pain started to get ready bad again. This time it was accompanied by a pounding headache. I had been having some urinary symptoms the past few days, so I figured I'd better make an appointment at some sort of urgent care clinic. I get back into the exam room, get my vitals taken. My blood pressure is high, my heart right is high, and my temp is 101.6. Lovely. Apparently I have some sort of an infection. They are treating me for a urinary tract infection, but it could still be a kidney infection with the back pain and fever and all. They started me on two anti biotics and want me to monitor my temperature and symptoms for 24 hours and if nothing is better than I need to be seen again. To get treated for a kidney infection, I guess.
*Sigh* This would happen the night before I have to go back to work after having 4 days off. They gave me a doctors note and advised me to stay home, but I really can't miss anymore work right now..especially with the holidays being so close. I'm just going to show up & tell them whats up, maybe they will send me home. We shall see.
Phew! I totally feel better now. I really love all of you who actually read all of this! When I don't update my blog and I have a lot going on..its like a stress ball on my shoulders. When I finally update, I feel better! Its like breathing in a gush of fresh air when I hit "publish post" :)
Before I go..I'd just like to ask one favor of all of you. A close friend of mine lost her father unexpectedly over the Holiday. Please, take some time and say a little prayer for her. We all have so much to be thankful for. Life is so short and we never know what tomorrow could bring. Go hug and kiss some family members tonight, tell them that you love them.
Goodnight, everyone.