Well, after four wonderful days home with my baby girl..its back to work for me tomorrow! I'm not too bummed about it either for once. I felt like I really got to relax and enjoy spending time with friends and family. Here's an update of the past few days.
Nicole and I had so much fun last week when we hung out, we decided to get together again for another play date with the babies!
We went downtown to The Science Center. Not only was it tons of fun for us mama's to enjoy..
The babies had so much fun too!
I can't believe I forgot how much fun her & I always have together! We have always gotten along so well, and now that we have babies involved, its twice as much the fun :D
And plus, Abby likes a little friend to hold hands with every once in a while too :D
After The Science Center we grabbed a bite to eat at Chipolte. When we headed back to our car (after walking through 20 intersections & joking about feeling like the Beatles) we came across a bunch of dancing Santa's.
It was random, and hilarious for some reason. Apparently they were hosting a big holiday festival or something. Everyone was taking pictures with them, so we asked a man to take a picture of us with the babies with them. We walk over..and all the Santa's started dancing away from us! We tried inching closer and closer with our strollers but it got to be pretty impossible. It was SO embarrassing. We walked away pretty much crying of laughter. Good times. I guess you just would of had to of been there..
Spending time with her and Christian is always a complete blast. I'm so glad we're beginning to become close again like we were when we were teenagers! Jake is going on a hunting trip this weekend which always means girls night for Mama! I'm excited to be able to spend some mommy/baby time with Abby. But one of the nights, Nicole and I are planning a grown up party after babies bedtimes with all of our friends from when we were younger. Some of these people I haven't seen in YEARS..I am totally excited and can not wait!
Was kind of a bummer. I was supposed to go to my friend Ashley's baby shower that afternoon, but as soon as I was about to walk out the door - major car issues took over. Pain in my ass. Sadly, I had to wait until Jake got home to fix the problem & ended up missing her shower. Sorry Ash! :( I can't wait to get a new car.
Abby and I were pretty lazy. She took a big nap and I needed extra cash so I called work to see if I could pick up over time on night shift that night, of course they said yes. In order to rest for that, we continued the laziness through evening time. We played around the house together as a family and really..sometimes, that is the most fun anyways!
Later my Dad and Uncle Keith were in the area, they stopped by which was a nice surprise! It was a bummer that I had to leave for work so quickly after I got there though :(
Jackie and I grabbed some Panera together before I had to head to work. Of course I get back home to find a house full of people that I loved with food and playing with my baby girl, all full of laughter and having a blast. Sigh. The regret of overtime started to kick in pretty quickly.
It was a long & sleepy night. 7am took hours to arrive but I managed to stay awake some how.
Jake let me sleep most of this day which was a total blessing. I haven't slept that deep or that long in I couldn't even tell you how long. One of the great things about working night shift, the sleep afterwards is always awesome :D
I got up for the day around 2pm to find a happy little girl and her Daddy watching football. I snatched up my girl and we headed to the grocery store (basically in our jammies still, but..hey. It was Sunday :D) to get something for dinner.
I made Spicy Peanut Chicken. A recipe I got here. It turned out super yummy! Next time I'll skip the peanuts though, I wasn't too crazy about that part. I guess I'm not just a huge peanut person. I served it with chicken flavored rice and it was delicious!
Other than that, my girl and I soaked in the bath together at bedtime and relaxed in Jake & mines bed for a good hour afterwards, reading books and telling stories. She is changing so much, and so much fun to interact with these days. I simply adore her.
Working night shift & actually being able to sleep afterwards totally threw me off my normal schedule. Last night, I was up until almost 5am! However, during that time..I did manage to fix my broken laptop of two years, all by myself! I came across some pretty funny pictures of the good ol' days..
Those were the days! *warm smiles* I love the memories, but I'm glad my life took a different path ;)
Needless to say, it took me gallons of coffee to get me through my morning with Abby. As always, my little princess was up with the sun..leaving Mama with a whole three hours of sleep. That's okay..we still survived! We made a yummy breakfast and took a long, warm, and relaxing bubble bath together. I was hoping it'd wake me up some. I put my itunes on low & just relaxed watching my little one splash and play. We love our baths.
Lucky for me..around 12pm she started acting sleepy. I gave her a baba and her blankie and she was out like a light! Today I opted out of showering & cleaning while she napped & decided to join her. She slept until almost 4pm! Which left me with a great nap, but...
Also very awake tonight. It's almost 2am and I'm wide awake! I think I shall go lay down with Jake and try to get some shut eye so I'm not dragging butt for work in the morning.
Oh, and one more thing. My friend Christina is home from college! Woo hoo I am SO excited to be able to spend some time with her over her Thanksgiving break! We grabbed a quick dinner together tonight at The Cheesecake Factory after Jake and I took Abby to see Santa (pictures to come!) and it was just wonderful catching up!
Goodnight yall :D
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