that was my empty sprite zero can I had left out from the night before, oops
Abby, however, has been obsessed with her infant bouncer seat again. At random times through out the day I'll find her lounged back with her blanket and sippy, all crouched in the chair watching TV. It was quite hilarious the first time I found her this way the other night..
What else to do on a freezing morning to warm up?
Take a nice & steamy bubble bath, that is!
We love our baths. We are kind of obsessed with them. We always take at least one a day, sometimes two. We stay in for hours, re warming the water time after time. I dream about the day that we will have a huge Jacuzzi tub to soak in.
We took a big nap together today after bath time, 3 hours long. It was heaven.
After we did some dishes together, which by the way she is becoming SUCH a big helper with..
We caught dinner at Pizza hut with Jackie. I'm a silly Mama and forgot my camera, but it was a good it always is. We tried to teach Ab how to color, but she just didn't quite get it. She tried so super hard though! We chomped down on some thin crust pizza and visited with some of our old co-workers, then bundled back up and headed back home.
Right now, I am kicked back with a glass of wine because I need it. Watching football, and hoping that some aspects of tomorrow are better than today.

Happy Monday.
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