I am very sad to say that I am quitting the 365 project. I tried very hard to talk myself out of it, and to just "okay, you can do it. you'll be happy you did it"..but I can't. Blogging is something I enjoy doing at my convenience. And even after a short couple weeks, it was quickly becoming a chore rather than a fun hobby. It would instantly feel stressed out if I realized I had missed a day and it just was starting to seem more like work than fun..and thats not what blogging is for me. Sorry. It seemed fun at first, but its just too big of a commitment for a busy gal like me :D
So, what have I been up to? Enjoying marvelous days off work of course!
Thursday my little baby brother turned 8 years old. I still remember 8 years ago so clearly, sitting at harbor hospital with my Grandma and close family, patiently awaiting my sweet little brothers arrival. Sometimes it still feels like yesterday. Happy birthday, Jacob! Sissy loves you!
Friday Ab had her well baby check up! She's doing great as usual. Doc still says she's tall and skinny and I'm still trying to figure out how the heck that happened! Poor girl got two big shots in her legs, they made her limp for a whole 24 hours. Poor baby girl!
Abby and I ran some errands together in the morning, had lunch at Grandma's and came home for a nap. Later, we met Nicole, baby Christian, and Jackie at the Cheesecake Factory but never got to eat due to fussy babies, ha ha. Jackie and I settled with Pizza Hut carry out, we took Ab back home and hung around the house with Jake, Chelsea, and Ryan.
I say this all the time, but my absolute best and favorite past time is sitting up all night long with Jackie. Honestly, its the perfect pick me up when I need one. Lounging on my couch in front of the laptop, tv, or whatever else our entertainment is at the time is always so much fun for some reason. We had heart to hearts about ex boyfriends and past relationships, laughed like mad at faceinhole.com & disorting our faces on cameroid.com, and gossiped about anything and everything. I'm so lucky to have such an awesome best friend!
Today Ab and I lounged around the house for the morning/afternoon. We had scrambled eggs for breakfast and cuddled and watched sprout for a while together. We took an afternoon bath and played peek a boo in her Dora tent. We took a quick trip to Wal Mart with Jake and then Abby spent the evening with Meme so Mama and Dada could go to dinner!
Me, Jake, Jackie, and Whitney went to Dicks Last Resort downtown. Yes, us girls drug Jake out with us, he he. The food sucked, but we had so much fun!
After dinner we picked Ab up and came home for bedtime. It was a quick jump to bed for baby girl, she had been working on no nap all day long!
Currently? I am suffering from insomnia. I am exhausted, but I can't fall asleep and it is so frustrating! My head and ears hurt too, wah :(
I love being off work though. Lucky for me I still have two whole days off to enjoy!!
Just realized this post has zero pictures of Abby. So, heres one just because she's cute :)
Happy weekend!
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