Monday, October 4, 2010


Seriously, October brings me way too much joy. Pictures like this, put butterflies in my belly:

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Haha, okay - that one just kinda makes me laugh, totally adorable though!

My point is, I LOVE OCTOBER & HALLOWEEN TIME. Its inspiring, its fun, it brings cute clothes, and lots of fun things to do!

& With that said, the weather today fit the October mood perfectly :)

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It was rainy, cold, and windy. Requiring a sweater, long pants, a rain coat, and some new precious boots

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We went to Carter's to spend some of her gift cards, they didn't have much I was totally in love with there (for once!) besides some super cute Halloween jammies, but none in her size :( So I only picked up a couple things (can't help myself, no matter what!) and was heading back to the car when the book store caught my eye...another thing my dorky self can't resist. I originally went in to check out a new book for me, but when I saw the rack of the kids Halloween books..I couldn't resist!

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Classic looking books like this totally melt me anyways, but throw a few pumpkins in there? Oh, I'm no more good. I couldn't help but be a little annoyed when all Abby wanted to do was close the pages and flap the book all around at bedtime tonight. But hey, theres always next year :)

Anyways, I got a quick vanilla cream coffee from Joe's and Abby and I headed to the grocery store, then home to make some dinner

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I made garlic herb chicken with rice and autumn veggies tonight! It was delish! Not too sure where all these cooking skills are coming from, but I'm getting pretty dang good if I do say so myself!

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Oh, if you could have only smelled my kitchen as I was pulling this out of the oven, yum!

In other news, Abby has fallen in love with her new baby doll. It is adorable

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She calls her "Pacie Baby" and likes to give the doll her pacifier. She likes to push her around the apartment and dump her out..and then stick her back in. We love pacie baby :)

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& after bedtime Jake and I snuggled up on the couch, sharing a gallon of ice cream & watched Halloweentown! An old Disney favorite of mine. It got so chilly, I had to go convince the babes to find me some of his thermal hunting socks :) Arn't they cute?...

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In the next weeks ABC starts its 18 days of Halloween countdown (Hocus Pocus comes on, yes!), a trip to the farm this weekend, a Halloween themed camping trip, a trip to Jason's Woods, my birthday, and Halloween...lots of good to come.

Goodnight for now

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