Sorry that I've kind of fallen off the face of the blogging world. Craziness (but the good kind of crazy) has been going down, but we're surviving! I will be back soon :) Here's a quick list of Abby's current vocabulary, I've been meaning to do this for a while!
Abigail Leighs Vocabulary as of October 23rd 2010, 12 months old
- Mama
- Dada or "Daaaaa-deeeee"
- Baaby
- Ab-nee (Abby)
- Naa-Nums (food)
- Naa-Niighs (bed time)
- Baaaah-byes (going bye bye's in the bye bye car, obviously!)
- Baba
- Dah -Dahg (dog)
- Mooooooooooo (cow)
- Meme (Meme! My Grandma, thats what we call her :p)
- Eye
- Nose
- Socks
- Bill-bow (pillow)
- Wha-sat? (whats that)
- Jat-ee (Jackie)
- Sass (Sam..LOL)
- Ball
- Peeeeeeese (please)
- Book
- Poo-poo
- Boo-boo (boob. I regret teaching her this. I had my shirt off once & she kept pointing to my chest & saying "wha-sat?" she points to EVERY ONES chest and says BOO-BOO! even her baby dolls)
- Wall
- Peeee-teeee (pretty)
- Fow-ah (flower)
- HOT (her favorite thing to say)
That's all I can think of right now, but she's doing pretty dang good if I do say so myself :)
good job Abby!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love baby talks.