This morning around 10am we packed our cars back up (thank god mine wasn't as packed this time, we had Jake's truck for extra storage) kissed my family goodbye & hit the road towards Ocean City. Bye cute little beach town, I will be seeing you again..I do promise you that.

It was about an hour long drive to get here, down lots of quite country roads which made for a long boring trip with just myself and a sleeping baby in the car. But we made it here, and while I do absolutely love the country scene of my Aunt's place..I must say, its pretty exciting to be in the vacation resort city.

We got settled in, and then headed down to The Marina Deck for dinner, a place I've gone to with my mom and step dad for as long as I can remember. We walked the docks and ooh'd and ahh'd over the million dollar yhats, we sipped wine and green tea, we tried to catch lobsters out of a live lobster claw machine, I ate steamed shrimp & Jake had hot wings & cheese fries (so typical) and little Abby had her first real 'out to dinner' meal. & By that I mean we actually ordered her a dinner off the kids menu, and she ate it. She's getting so big. She very much enjoyed her kids spaghetti and applesauce on the side. Oh, and she knows how to drink out of a straw! No idea how she learned it, but she was just sipping away my ice water right out of the sraw like a big girl! She was so funny while we were there, even the other tables close by were cracking up when she was playing "where's abby?" with her dress. Such a classy girl.
It was about an hour long drive to get here, down lots of quite country roads which made for a long boring trip with just myself and a sleeping baby in the car. But we made it here, and while I do absolutely love the country scene of my Aunt's place..I must say, its pretty exciting to be in the vacation resort city.
We got settled in, and then headed down to The Marina Deck for dinner, a place I've gone to with my mom and step dad for as long as I can remember. We walked the docks and ooh'd and ahh'd over the million dollar yhats, we sipped wine and green tea, we tried to catch lobsters out of a live lobster claw machine, I ate steamed shrimp & Jake had hot wings & cheese fries (so typical) and little Abby had her first real 'out to dinner' meal. & By that I mean we actually ordered her a dinner off the kids menu, and she ate it. She's getting so big. She very much enjoyed her kids spaghetti and applesauce on the side. Oh, and she knows how to drink out of a straw! No idea how she learned it, but she was just sipping away my ice water right out of the sraw like a big girl! She was so funny while we were there, even the other tables close by were cracking up when she was playing "where's abby?" with her dress. Such a classy girl.
After dinner we headed down to beloved boardwalk.
I've been excited to go there since this whole vacation got started, but my little one had other plans. We spent about 20 minutes in the arcade before she decided it was about the right time to have a melt down. I should of expected it, really. It was late, and it's been a long few days. Jake won her a ball out of the claw machine, which kept her entertained for a little bit, but not long enough. & On top of her sleepiness, we forgot her stroller so we had to buy a little tiny one in one of the shops & she was not feeling it. Neither were we, no place to put our bags or lay her back & give her a bottle while we pushed her around..honestly, our night probably would of been much better if we had our normal stroller. We had just enough time to stop at Dumpsters Dairy Land & get Jake a chocolate dipped ice cream cone & a mint chocolate chip milkshake for me before Abby literally was basically hanging off her stroller screaming bloody murder. Jake was frustrated, I was frustrated..we had a million bags to carry & not enough hands and poor Abby just wanted her bed.
Needless to say we got home an hour ago & little missy hasn't even left her car seat yet because she's in such a deep comfy sleep I just can't stand to wake her. When she's uncomfy or wants to stretch out, she'll wake up..right? In the mean time I'm enjoying sitting on the deck with a glass of sweet tea people watching off Coastal Highway. Jake's in bed..and I believe it's about time for me to join him. Night y'all :)
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