Seriously, ever since I was a little girl 4th of July has been one of my favorite holidays. Even though I do admit I'm a holiday junkie & get all giddy and excited over every holiday - the 4th really is at the top of the list. I just love the way it screams summer. Good food, cookouts, swimming, sparklers, fireworks, great friends & awesome's always a good time!
Today was even more spectacular than the previous years. Why you ask? Because I got to share it with my sweet, sweet baby girl of course! It was hard to get her smile in any of the photos I took today, but I swear..she was lovin' it, all day long baby. No nap or nothin'
Oh, did you see that I said PHOTOS!? Oh, so I must of gotten my camera working, right? Wrongo! I was having a mini-mental breakdown this morning when I finally realized it was NOT going to be functioning by the festivities of the 4th. How am I going to enjoy this day not being able to take pictures of it! I can't believe I'm not going to be able to have pictures of Abby on her first Independence day. I can't believe this. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS. Well, guess what. Jake went out to Wal-Mart, and came back with a brand spankin' new camera, just for me :) Ahh, he really is so super amazing. I simply adore him. Not only because he bought me a new camera, but because he does things to make me happy. I couldn't help but notice his little smirk when I shrieked and jumped up and down like a little girl when he pulled it out of the bag like I knew she was going to act like this. Even though he stays out crabbing when I should be seeing a doctor every once in a while, it is a-okay because he does sweet stuff like this to make up for it. Oh, and wanna know whats even cuter? He came home with a new camera for Abby, too.

Our first stop of the day was Ms. Pat's cookout. Although I still call her 'Ms. Pat', she's really Nanny. She's my stepdads mother but she's been in my life & treated me like one of her own grand children since my mom and step dad got together when I was six. Love her and her whole family.

We headed down to Ft. Meade after the cookout. A place that I've went to every year since I was a little girl, and I was so excited to continue the tradition with Abby & Jake. Although the celebration is surly not what it used to be, it was still a great time. We drank yummy orange creamsicle smoothies, we rode choo choo trains, we played games & watched all the older kiddies jump on moon bounces & slide across slip n' slides.

Afterwards we went over our great friend Greg & Jodi's 4th of July party. We've been close with them since high school, and while we don't get drunk and party with them every weekend like we used to - we always still find time to stop over on the holidays. They always have spectacular parties that we just can never stand to miss. We didn't bring our bathing suits this time, but my baby didn't care..she jumped butt nakie and played with Jodi for quite a long time! She splashed and laughed and had a great time. I love her!

Finally at dusk we headed down to Sunset Beach to see the fireworks. Jake and I have gone here every year together since we started dating, its our own little tradition that we hadn't even realized we started until tonight. Someone asked why we wern't staying at Greg and Jodi's to watch the show with every one else & Jake was like I don't know, me and Brittany have just always gone to Sunset Beach I was like aww, we started a tradition! :) Another great thing we got to share with Abs this year. My little brave soul wasn't even afraid of the loud booms. She flinched a couple times at first, but after she got used to them - she was totally amazed.

That's all for now folks. Happy 4th of July, take some time to remember why we are celebrating - Support our wonderful troops over there! Goodnight, all
Today was even more spectacular than the previous years. Why you ask? Because I got to share it with my sweet, sweet baby girl of course! It was hard to get her smile in any of the photos I took today, but I swear..she was lovin' it, all day long baby. No nap or nothin'
Oh, did you see that I said PHOTOS!? Oh, so I must of gotten my camera working, right? Wrongo! I was having a mini-mental breakdown this morning when I finally realized it was NOT going to be functioning by the festivities of the 4th. How am I going to enjoy this day not being able to take pictures of it! I can't believe I'm not going to be able to have pictures of Abby on her first Independence day. I can't believe this. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS. Well, guess what. Jake went out to Wal-Mart, and came back with a brand spankin' new camera, just for me :) Ahh, he really is so super amazing. I simply adore him. Not only because he bought me a new camera, but because he does things to make me happy. I couldn't help but notice his little smirk when I shrieked and jumped up and down like a little girl when he pulled it out of the bag like I knew she was going to act like this. Even though he stays out crabbing when I should be seeing a doctor every once in a while, it is a-okay because he does sweet stuff like this to make up for it. Oh, and wanna know whats even cuter? He came home with a new camera for Abby, too.
Our first stop of the day was Ms. Pat's cookout. Although I still call her 'Ms. Pat', she's really Nanny. She's my stepdads mother but she's been in my life & treated me like one of her own grand children since my mom and step dad got together when I was six. Love her and her whole family.
We headed down to Ft. Meade after the cookout. A place that I've went to every year since I was a little girl, and I was so excited to continue the tradition with Abby & Jake. Although the celebration is surly not what it used to be, it was still a great time. We drank yummy orange creamsicle smoothies, we rode choo choo trains, we played games & watched all the older kiddies jump on moon bounces & slide across slip n' slides.
Afterwards we went over our great friend Greg & Jodi's 4th of July party. We've been close with them since high school, and while we don't get drunk and party with them every weekend like we used to - we always still find time to stop over on the holidays. They always have spectacular parties that we just can never stand to miss. We didn't bring our bathing suits this time, but my baby didn't care..she jumped butt nakie and played with Jodi for quite a long time! She splashed and laughed and had a great time. I love her!
Finally at dusk we headed down to Sunset Beach to see the fireworks. Jake and I have gone here every year together since we started dating, its our own little tradition that we hadn't even realized we started until tonight. Someone asked why we wern't staying at Greg and Jodi's to watch the show with every one else & Jake was like I don't know, me and Brittany have just always gone to Sunset Beach I was like aww, we started a tradition! :) Another great thing we got to share with Abs this year. My little brave soul wasn't even afraid of the loud booms. She flinched a couple times at first, but after she got used to them - she was totally amazed.
That's all for now folks. Happy 4th of July, take some time to remember why we are celebrating - Support our wonderful troops over there! Goodnight, all
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