Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Hours

Well, I started my new hours at work today! My usual hours are 7am-7pm. My boss is so amazing, and knows how crazy my mornings are with Abby and babysitters and traffic and the crack of dawn. So, a position opened up where they need someone to cover the PACU and ER 2 of my three days a week. They work off hours, so the shift is 9am-9:30pm. She asked me if I'd like to switch, thinking that it would be easier for me with the baby and all. How lucky am I to have the best boss in the world? Totally lucky. Because she lets me get away with murder.

Anyways, heres my take on the ups & downs of a new shift.

Perks: My morning was so much more enjoyable! I still got up around 6:30am to get Abby up and ready to my mom's..but, no rushing or trying to get myself ready! I was able to give her morning snuggles and cuddle with her and let her wake up before I had to drag her out into the car seat, I loved that. Once I got her to my mom's and back home, it was still only 7am. I had time to drink some coffee, eat a little breakfast, and watch the news. Then, I was even able to take a shower and make myself look half way decent, and got there 10 minutes early! That is all UNHEARD of in my previous mornings. I always had to take showers at night because I'd never have time in the morning, and I hated doing that. I was always so sleepy and I despise going to bed with wet hair.

There was also much less traffic, which is a huge thing for me. For those of you who live in Maryland, you probably know that the 895 tunnel always has back ups and delays in the early mornings, always causing me to run more behind schedule than I already was.

I felt more organized and put together at work. Since my morning wasn't hectic, I felt like I looked nice..I just felt better all over? I don't know..maybe I'm weird. But being able to shower & eat breakfast made me a happier and more energetic person today, lol.

I love working in the PACU! Besides the fact that the people there are awesome, I like the pace of the work. For those of you who don't work in a hospital..the PACU is the "recovery room" where people come once their coming out of the operating room. Theres always all kinds of different and interesting cases and people. Their only there for a few hours, then a nurse and I transport them to where ever they are going to be staying in the hospital. Thats fun for me, since I usually work all over..I like popping up here & there and saying Hi to everyone :) Pretty much when a patient arrives..I hook them up to the heart monitor, check their vital signs, do an EKG if they need one, draw blood if they need it, and check their blood sugar and hemocue if they need it. So, its really pretty simple! After I'm finished with that I pretty much just keep tabs on them to make sure they are doing okay before I take them upstairs. But - there are days like today - that are CRAZY! There was almost 50 patients today who came through our PACU, insane! Its like people arriving and leaving, constantly. I definitely feel it now that I'm home, in my feet, back, and legs! But they are totally a team there, we all worked together so I'm not complaining!

Disadvantages: I pretty much don't get to Abby at all on these hours. I got to spend a little time with her this morning, but it was almost 10pm when I got home, and she'd already been in bed for two hours :( It was kind of a bummer to come home to a dark and quiet apartment instead of walking in on a happy little girl playing with her Daddy. But, this will only be twice a week. The other day I'm working I'll still be home at 7:30ish. Sigh. Hopefully the two evenings won't make too much of a difference for either of us..

The 9am-9pm makes for a long day. I don't know why it feels so much longer, but it does. I guess because you still have to wake up before your really ready..and then have to stay two hours longer than your used to being there. I don't know. The shift just felt super long to me, but hopefully it will start to feel normal.

& Thats really all I can think of as far as disadvantages go. The pros obviously out weight the cons, but the part about not seeing Abby is whats going to be hard for me. I'm hoping I'll adjust though. Regardless, I'm excited and happy about it.

For now..my bed is screaming my name. I am off work until Saturday. Ahhhhhh :) Time to relax!

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