Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Catching up

Sorry that I suck!! In my defense I have been working for 4 days straight (twelve hour shifts let me remind you!) and that's why I have not been updating my 365! Without further ado, here they are.

10/365. A day in the PACU. Friday, Jan. 14th 2011.

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That is all I see all day long when I'm in the PACU. Monitors going off, beeping like crazy. Its insane! Work wise, it wasn't a terrible day at all though. I love working there and I love my co-workers. All other things considered? It was a stressful day. Jake had to come all the way up work to bring my renewed tags (thank god that is finally taken care of) but he also took me to get Wendy's for a very late lunch :) I found out that the place we were going to rent for our mini vacation in June wouldn't rent to us when I told her our ages, which was infuriating. Completely infuriating. Then I had to pick up Abby from my Grandma, and she cried when she had to leave which broke my heart. THEN! Jake was out with friends and ignored my phone calls all night, which needless to say lead to a very tired me causing a very big fight! I was happy to crawl into bed that night for sure.

11/365. A day from Hell. Saturday, Jan. 15th 2011.

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Saturday started off terrible. I rolled over in the morning and stretched, looked out the window to see it was light outside. I panicked, jumped up and checked the time - 8:57am. I was supposed to be at work two hours ago. Shit. I rushed to get ready, gave a quick kiss to my sleepy boyfriend, and bolted out the door. As I'm sprinting out to my car, I notice a tow truck guy. Then I notice, my car is hooked to the back of it. "UMM EXCUSE ME! WHAT ARE YOU DOING! THATS MY CAR! WHY ARE YOU TOWING IT!" and he said that my tags were dead. Shit. We forgot to put them on my car last night. "No, there not. I have the new tags right here" and he said that it didn't matter, that they weren't displayed on my vehicle and that he was towing it. I was about to cry when Jake came running down the steps (he had herd my loud mouth lol) and he argued with him, but the guy said he didn't care that he was still taking my car! So I let the police get involved (we got the coolest cop EVER) and the tow truck finally said he'd drop my car but he was still going to charge me $150. Oh, AND before I left the house there was a note on our door saying that Jake and I were summoned to court for not paying the rent for the month of January. Um, the rent was paid a day early, as it always is. People were just out to get me this weekend I swear! I finally got to work around 11 (4 hours late) and thank god my work day was semi easy. On a happier note: my uncle said that we could have our mini vacation in June at his place for super cheap! Woo hoo. Can not WAIT.

12/365. Newborn babies. Sunday Jan 16th 2011.

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I got to work in the postpartum unit on Sunday! I tell you, this is a really great place to go for some good ole baby fever! I got to hold and love little tiny newborns and get to know their mama's. Makes for a GREAT day! I'd still rather work with adults, but being able to come here every once in a while is a nice and relaxing change.

13/365. Last day.
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Monday truly was another day from hell. And that picture describes how I felt all day long. I had to sit with a patient who was completely spaced out. I received my first battle wound from a patient that day. Thats all I have to say about that, lol.

14/365. A quick day off.

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Tuesday was a sleepy day. I was exhausted from working all weekend and didn't feel like doing much. Abby and I hung out on the couch and played with toys, read books, and watched sprout. I threw together some home made mac and cheese for dinner, along with some yummy home made chicken nuggets. I find it funny that some quick and simple like this was "the greatest dinner ever" according to Jake, and yet the dinners that I spend hours slaving over are just "okay".

15/365. Back to work

I wanted to cry when my alarm went off at 6am. I could not get out of bed, for the life of me..I could NOT get out of bed! It was a long and sleepy day but I made it out of there at 8pm and crawled into bed with Jake and Abs :) She slept so good last night too! :D

Okay..sorry that all those posts suck. I've been so busy!! We just got home from Abs check up, she is napping and I'm so relieved that I'm finally caught up!! I will be back tonight :) Later!

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