Monday, January 10, 2011

Dinner at Goppy's work. 6/365

I was a silly mama and forgot my camera. So for my 6/365, I had to settle with a crappy camera phone picture. Sorry!

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But thats my girl! Having a grilled cheese for dinner at Goppy's (the hideous new name has made up for my mom, ha ha) work! Although most of her food ended up on the floor and stuck to our hair, we had a nice time! Jake had crab soup and wings (his usual) and I got blacked chicken with mushrooms, delicious! (and also healthy :p)

Before dinner we had been out house hunting, and I think we have found a winner! I am SO excited. We wanted to be able to buy, but since Jake still has another year of school left and we don't have too much money saved up we're probably going to end up having to rent for another year or so :/

I was bummed at first, but SO happy now because we have found something totally cute and in our price range! Its just a little 2 bedroom town home but um, its not an apartment and I will have a YARD. A little one, but its a yard. Much better than having to walk down three flights of steps to get some fresh air if I want some. We don't even have a balcony at our current place! I'm so excited and I wish it would be March already so 1. this cold weather would be almost OVER and 2. so we can get the ball rolling towards a new place! Woo hoo!

Back to work tomorrow but I don't mind because I'm in working in the PACU and I don't have to be there until 9! Woop woop. I totally do mind that its supposed to start snowing its @ss off around noon though. Yikes! Always on the days that I have to work. Always. I am SO ready for spring.

1 comment:

  1. Thats so awesome about the house! Hopefully you guys get some money saved soon :)



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